Here's #1: I am soon to post #6 in the Surviving Singleness series. That's currently my last post in that series, unless you want more:) If so, you might have a suggestion for a topic or theme or perhaps you have a question I could help answer. Yes? Then please FB message or email me or leave a comment on the blog and I'll see what I can do.
And way to help #2 - don't forget Friday Friends & Faves is a place where you can tell your story...or a part of it. Please email me with a few lines / pars / pages that I can use to fill Friday, but more than that, encourage others. It doesn't matter how old or young you are. Or how exciting or dull you feel your story is. Or if you can write well or you struggle. Go on...have a go!
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Hey readers...please comment...let's see if we can get the occasional conversation happening:)