"The simple things in life are often the best."
Today's challenge for you readers is.....look for simple, little things to enjoy today.
The idea comes from my dripping wet paper delivery experience last Friday morning. Yes my shoes and socks were squelching...yes I was steamy hot under the raincoat....yes the mozzies were buzzing. But with eyes to see, there was still plenty to enjoy and be thankful for....tipping the scales towards the whole experience being fun and memorable - for all the right reasons.
A tiny lady beetle sitting on a dew-ladened blade of grass. A five cent piece on the footpath took my mind back to diving into the public pool when I was 11 and finding $1.34 in change. A quick chat with the friendly old man at his letterbox. Admiring the hard work of so many in keeping their gardens thriving. The little pink bike with handlebar tassles parked in the driveway of No. 21. Glimpses of the harbour. The elation of putting the last paper in the last letter box. My smiling husband and the steaming cup of coffee awaiting me at home.
Don't be too busy and too task-focussed to notice the little things today. Don't be blind to all the simple delights God has placed in your space.
Do....look, appreciate and enjoy with eyes to see.
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