Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Failure is NOT an Option last blog post outlined my resolutions...all 3 of them...that would help me be healthier and happier.

[My plan.....stop the fruit for snacks (bread is banned!)....exercise every day.] 

5 days on and I am not sure I am either!

A friend of mine said starting an eating and exercise regime on a Friday was a dumb idea....turns out she was right. Friday came and went and of my 3 point plan, I compromised on one...accidentally broke another and outright failed the third. Not a great start.

Then there was the more needs to be said there.

Monday rolled around and all would have been well except I forgot to take my lunch to school. But here's where there is a glimmer of hope.

So with no lunch (a freshly packed salad left on the top shelf in my fridge!) I looked around school for something to eat. We have chocolates and soft drink on sale in the staffroom. I didn't have enough for a drink but I did look in the chocolate box. Yep...3 left. But all were Crunchies...of which I am not a great I kept my money in my pocket and drank water instead. A vast improvement over what I might have done a week ago. 

I also exercised on Monday and did not snack on 3 ticks...yay!

Tuesday dawned as a promising day and within an hour I knew I had a dreaded tummy bug. So that means I couldn't exercise (needing to always be within mere metres of a loo) and I couldn't eat either. Nice balance.

Now Wednesday has dawned. There is no chocolate in my house...I have plans for a 40 minute walk with j at lunch time and there is no bread on the menu for me today, at all.

Things are looking up. anyone out there having a pre-spring red-hot-go at making changes to anything in their life?? If so, let me know about it:)

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