Thursday, August 4, 2011

I Think I Can I Think I Can...

One of my blogging heroes, B, posted a funny little 'letter to self' recently which I read yesterday. You can visit the original post at bbeingcool. She reminded me that the 'battle of the bulge' is so often a 'battle of the mind'.

And as I have thought about it for the past 24 hours, a few thoughts need to be penned...or is that typed?

I struggle with eating right and exercising and buying clothes and feeling like I look good and....yes, all those things we girls seem to struggle with.

I have flabby bits and saggy bits and wobbly bits that don't bring me much joy and I try to ignore them as I eat another row of that yummy Bubbly chocolate.

I detest clothes shopping...there is so little that fits and that breast-feeding chest doesn't seem to look good in anything. I also HATE the idea of buying clothes with BIG numbers on the tags.

I have an elliptical walker AND an exercise bike in my spare room but have I been on either in the last month or 2? silliest excuse is: "I forget they are there," even though I walk past them at least 8 times a day. I have a little boy who loves to be in the pram so I could walk morning and afternoon, but do I?

So enough with the silliness.....the laziness...the disappointment and the 'beating up of self.'

I CAN and I WILL do something about this. You heard it here first and I am putting it out 'there' in the hope that it will help me to be more accountable.

My plan.....stop the chocolate (a Swiss coffee each morning really should be more than enough!) fruit for snacks (no bread!)....exercise every day (be it in public or private). There you go...3 action points for each day of the week ahead....starting Friday!

And if I can do it for one week...I can do it for another and then another and then.....

PS. Any tips or encouragement most welcome...thank-you!

1 comment:

  1. Golly, thanks for the plug! *Blush*

    I am in too. Do you want to be accountable to each other about this? We could email our weights each week or something?

    However, I cannot start things on a Friday. It will be Monday for me - I know it is nuts, but after this long, I just roll with it.

    Come on readers, we have about 5 weeks until the weather calls for lovely Spring clothes - who else is up for the challenge? There have got to be more peeps out there who need to put down the chocolate and pick up the dumb-bells!!??


Hey readers...please comment...let's see if we can get the occasional conversation happening:)