Friday, October 14, 2011


Last Thursday I lost my beautiful eternity ring. The one given to me tied to a rose in the swishest restaurant in town on our first anniversary. *sigh*

I noticed it was gone after my late evening shower. There were tears. There was frantic searching. There was a sick feeling in my tummy. And my mind raced....where could it be? What have I done today that could have pulled it from my finger? Could it have flung off when I was throwing those silly pine cones? Would it be tangled in j's clothes or sheets? We travelled most of today but stopped for groceries and a loo stop....maybe it's in the public toilets at Gin Gin? Ahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Somewhere in the midst of the crazy responses to my loss, I heard God remind me...."Trust."

I have been reading a great devotional book given to me for my birthday by a special friend. It has been challenging me in terms of security and identity linked to where my trust is. And it has also prompted me to continue to think through what is really important in life.

So with God's voice echoing in my head, I lay down to sleep, with this prayer: "God I WILL trust you with this situation. I know You know where the ring is and if you want me to have it back, you will provide it for me. But even if I don't ever see it again, I trust You to remind me that I don't need to continually think about it because there are more important things in life than my little ring."

Well I had to keep praying that prayer through the night, because I woke a number of times and always my mind went back to the lost ring. I prayed that prayer throughout Friday as I back-tracked over places I had been and things I had done on Thursday, always looking down for that little glint of gold or sparkle of diamonds.

By Friday night I had a peace about the ring, even though I thought I would never see it again. Trusting God had not been the easiest thing, but it certainly was the best thing.

Fast forward to Sunday afternoon, after a trip to Brisbane on Saturday. We were packing the car for our drive home and in the midst of that job, J walked up the stairs, got down on one knee, took my hand and slid my eternity ring onto my finger! He had found it in the back of the car!

Yes...again...God had given me a huge blessing! I was so thankful...both to Him and to J. And I was very grateful for the lesson in really is the best way to live.

1 comment:

  1. Challenging me as always KVI. I am TERRIBLE at trusting but EXCELLENT at worrying.

    So glad you found your ring. So glad J got the chance to get down on one knee and present you with a ring again - what a sweet way to deliver it!

    What is the devotional?


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