Tuesday, October 11, 2011


I have been trying to snap a photo every day or so of things that make me smile. I have published over 100 of these photos on Facebook under the heading Project 365. A couple of friends have been doing the same...and keeping up much better than I have I might add.

But last night I had a smile moment that I didn't snap...but I do want to share it, because again it is a reminder that the simple, small things make life oh so sweet. We just need to make sure we are living in the present, watching...listening...loving and taking the time to appreciate the good things.

Last night when J got home from work he suggested we head out to our house build site to check on any progress made while we were away last week. I was eager to do just that but after a relatively crazy day in which I had taken little j to work with me and a mountain of unpacking after our 10pm arrival home the night before still graced more than a few surfaces and a long grocery list was still to be filled  coz there was nothing to eat in the house and a dinner was yet to be prepared, I was a little hesitant. But I said yes and away we went.

On the way out to the block J suggested we pick up the groceries together while Mr Eagle Boys cooked our dinner. That sounded great to me. How thoughtful J can be. And funny how 2 little suggestions that offer help and an easing of the load in a small way can make all the difference to someone's sanity!

Well the best bit was not that we did the shopping and picked up the dinner, it was the smile moment of pulling up under the street light at the bottom of our block and eating dinner on a picnic rug in the back of the ute with my boys. Ahhhhh....bliss!

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