Monday, February 6, 2012

A Bug Bear

If you have been reading this blog for any length of time you may have come across a post (or 2) with thankfulness in it. It seems to be a theme of my life and something I like to hear (and let's hope, do.)

I have a couple of precious teenaged girls who take 3 seconds to thank me after every lesson I teach. That's so nice.

I have a dear friend who says 'thanks so much' often for things I think mean little, but to her they have been a Godsend.

I have a husband generous with gratefulness and wow! that makes a huge difference in my day. To know that I am appreciated (and the things I do are too) by the one I love, is very sweet.

I have a little boy, who with a fair bit of coaxing, can say a 'ta' at the right time. It's cute...and he's going to get better at it...I hope.

So I do have many 'thanks-yous' going on in my life. But perhaps that's what makes the absence of a 'thanks' so obvious to me....and sadly, so annoying.  There have been a couple of situations in the past month or so when there has been a distinct absence of 'thanks' despite a big effort from me. And I don't like it. 

Yesterday I was about to launch into a diatribe to someone about the failings of others to say 'thanks' but I held my tongue. And as I thought about the situations over the past 16 hours, I realised I don't have to gossip about them....and I don't even have to let them get me worked up. I can just 'let it go.'*

And here's why.....because the One I follow and want to be like, faced this same situation - day after day after day..... And I am told that anything I go through that He experienced should be considered 'pure joy.'

Think about it....Jesus spent His life GIVING to others - giving time and effort and energy and emotional strength and healing and miracles and wisdom and and and..........and the ones He gave to, on the whole, never said thanks. In fact many that He gave to were the ones calling for Him to be crucified!

So I am thankful that being spit on or ignored or killed are not what I have experienced from the ones who neglect to say thanks.

And I am thankful that God is refining me in so many ways....including this one of gratitude.

But stay tuned....I have to more to say...thanks:)

* Hey...this is GREAT advice for all the struggles, dilemmas, annoyances I face!!!

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