Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Personal Responsibility....or the lack of it... is one of my bug bears.

I walk a 3km circuit around our block almost every day and I shake my head at the amount of dog poop on the footpath. It amazes me that someone would walk their dog in a public place, let it deposit its business on a very well-used walk way and leave it there. It's your dog, therefore, it's your poop people! Please pick it up!

Yes I can sure get on my high horse about PR....I do to the teenagers I teach...I do to my husband about all sorts of things...I do to just about anyone who will listen. "I don't understand some people," I moan and groan. "Why don't they just take care of what's their's to take care of?"

Well as logical as my thoughts and questions may be, I was challenged in this in the past couple of days. Instead of always looking to point the finger at someone else's failure to be personally responsible, I faced a situation where I totally let go of PR. In fact, I totally lost it...'it' being self-control...my brain....my cool....anything that looked like sense. I won't go into the details, but it did involve a kitchen utensil and a baked item.

It was not pretty and I am not proud of my display. In hindsight, I can certainly think of at least 3 good reasons for my 'unhinged' moment. Yes it's true, it's always so easy to cast blame elsewhere rather than take PR.

But in a lucid moment in the midst of my carry-on with the baked item and kitchen utensil, I distinctly remember thinking, "What I am doing is stupid...just get a grip woman!" But I didn't....why is that?

Anyway....my thoughts are still on this issue and despite seeking forgiveness of those involved - namely God, J and my sister - I am still embarrassed and more than a little disappointed in myself.

However, I have been prompted to see that my criticism of others shirking what I see as their PR may simply be smug self-righteousness. And instead of looking so long and hard at what others are doing, perhaps I should concentrate more on what is happening a whole lot closer to home?

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!

In our little family of 3, we have 3 birthdays in September. It's certainly a month full of happies!

J made comment on his birthday eve this week that as you get older, birthdays just don't really seem to matter. That may be how most of us aged 30+ feel, but I wonder if it should be?

I wrote in his card yesterday a one-line wonder that I am so proud of. And it's the reason I am writing today's post....

"You are so worth celebrating!"

And therein lies the reason why birthdays should be delighted in, celebrated, worth getting excited about and the birthday boy/girl honoured.

Because each of us is so worth celebrating!

We were designed and created by the Master Craftsman. God breathed life into us and set a plan and purpose for us to walk this life in. He says we are made in his image and He loves us with an everlasting love. We all have immense value. That's worth celebrating!

We are all different shapes and sizes but we are creative and compassionate....likable and loving....beautiful and brainy......daring and decent....generous and gregarious....forgiving and fabulous...tender-hearted and thoughtful....That's worth celebrating!

Simply by being us and loving those around us, we are making a difference in our worlds and the lives of others. We are a blessing. That's worth celebrating!

So if you know someone having a birthday sometime soon (and just coz I am in a few days this is NOT why I am writing this now!)...how about reminding them that they are worth celebrating and do something a little bit sweet to let them know that they are special?

Thursday, September 15, 2011

When We Assume

After writing yesterday's post I have been thinking lots about this bad habit I have developed called 'Assuming.'

Here's why it's BAD....

1. I usually assume THE WORST...this does nothing to help create a peaceful mind focussed on ...whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. (Philippians 4:8) And it means I am thinking the worst of others. And usually, that 'others' is a man who has a heart of gold and loves me lots. How unfair to him!

2. I usually assume WRONGLY...and in being wrong I create angst when there has been reason for it and I have to apologise because I have thought badly of people for absolutely no reason. And usually in my 'mode of angst' I have been short-tempered, cranky and snappy....oh great! More things to apologise for.

3. I fill valuable HEAD SPACE with RUBBISH.....as girls we have enough buzzing around in our heads without adding junk to the mix.

4. By making assumptions, I am saying "I KNOW EVERYTHING" which is living a lie and creating an ugly, oversized ego. Who wants to live with that?

So...rather than assuming, and thereby creating a 'yucky me', I hereby declare that henceforth, I will try very hard to "Never assume anything.' (Especially when it comes to my wonderful husband.)

BTW...I must also try very hard not to assume the worst when my Mum says.. "Kirsty......." (with a downwards inflection and long pause.....)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Humble pie tastes great doesn't it? That moment when you realise you have gotten it wrong...again...and need to confess and seek forgiveness really can be so very challenging and well...humbling.

My pastor's wife...a wise and lovely lady...offered this gem before I married J:"Kirsty, never assume anything." Simple words, yet so incredibly hard to do in the heat of the moment when I feel wronged or misunderstood or upset or disappointed or frustrated.

Sadly, last Sunday saw me 'assume' two things about J's actions - wrongly - in a very short space of time. And when I realised my mistake I felt terrible. I felt like I had not been the wife my husband needed, certainly not the helper I am called to be.

I guess the beauty in this ugly situation was that I realised my sin and asked God for forgiveness. Actually, in thinking about it...I should have sought forgiveness from J too. I will do this tonight!

Anyway...at least my eyes were opened to the failure and my heart was soft enough to feel remorse and seek forgiveness and restoration.

Which, thanks to God's graciousness and hopefully, my husband's too....leaves the slate clean again and the words 'Don't assume anything'....resounding in my head.

How much better to live those words than have to eat humble pie.

Friday, September 9, 2011


Little j celebrated his first birthday this week. What a special occasion...not just for him, but also, for his Mum and Dad and his grandparents too. We had both sets of grandies visit with us this week...makes for lots of cuddles, plenty of playtime and some fun conversations.

The value of family really can't be under-rated. As we move into our little boy's second year, I look back over the first 12 months and am so grateful for the support of our wonderful families.

They have called...visited...written letters...sent texts - to stay in touch.

They have baby sat, hung washing, swept floors, taken washing from the line, cooked us dinner, ironed uniforms and so many other housework tasks.

They have welcomed us into their homes for visits.

They have hugged j and told him he is wonderful.

They have hugged me.

They have continued to show us what God is like....faithful, generous, loving...

They have done so much to make the last 365+ days do-able and I just wanted to pay tribute to them today. Thanks so much to all our family...we really do appreciate you.

If you are being blessed by your family...please, don't forget to say 'Thank-you.' And if there's not much blessing happening...I am sorry.

But may all of us value our families, and never take them for granted.