Tuesday, November 30, 2010

You are just making it up

I laughed when I read my 4 chapters of Nehemiah this morning.
You may find that surprising, considering the subject matter of that OT book.
But check out ch 6 v 8 in the NIV.....I sent him this reply: "Nothing like what you are saying is happening; you are just making it up out of your head."
The context is Nehemiah replying to accusations his enemies had written to him.
I laughed because the wording sounds pretty funny and I can just imagine an old man in a long robe with a flowing beard saying these words with the shake of a finger.
But then I thought more about Nehemiah's words and got the feeling that you and I could probably have those same words said to us many times in a week. Not that people actually say them out loud to us, but perhaps it's what they and God would like to say.

And we give them reason to....Do any of these thoughts sound familiar?
There's just too much to do today. I won't be able to do it all.
I can't believe they said that about me.
I'm terrified of letting my kids out of my sight...they won't be safe.
I'll never be as good as her.
The doctor will have bad news for us.
Ahhhh! Christmas with his family...it'll be chaos!
Why bother applying for that job...I won't get it.
My husband just doesn't love me, otherwise he would do/say......
They all must think I'm an idiot now...
I always worry/fail/put my foot in my mouth/go off the deep end/get sick/etc...that's just what I do.
Teach RE / Sunday School God? But I'm not good with kids.
I have nothing interesting to say.
God could never forgive me for that.
And there's no doubt 13 or 57 or 189 more thoughts we have in a week that come from a similar place.

Isn't it tragic that we give so much of our thought-life to things that a) will never happen or b) simply aren't true? We worry and we fret and we get frustrated and in reality "we are just making it up out of our head." Silly us!

How about being really conscious of what you're thinking today and asking God to help you get a good dose of reality regarding those thoughts. Pray that your thoughts would be His...life-affirming and positive....joyful and true. 

Maybe then you'll be able to laugh often, love more and live long!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Celebrate Faith


Over the past couple of weeks you may have heard me rant and rave about it being too early for Christmas. I mean come on! Decorations in the shops in October??? People dressing up their gardens and houses in early November?? Christmas carols on the radio already? As much as I love Christmas I was thinking it was all coming that bit too early this year.

Then I stopped muttering and started thinking. Hmmmm....why not start celebrating early? In fact, why not have that Christmas joy and anticipation all year??

And as a Christian, shouldn't that really be my default demeanour and MO every month of the year....not just in December?

I have read 1 and 2 Peter lately and have once again been reminded of how much I have to celebrate, thanks to God's great love and grace. 1 Peter 1 reminds us that our faith is 'of greater worth than gold.' (v 7) Considering how much gold (and plastic) will be burned this Christmas season it is astounding to think about our faith being worth more than that. It is priceless....invaluable. It is an extravagant gift from God, bought at an unimaginable price.....the gift of Jesus (God with us) to live here on earth, die for our salvation and be resurrected, showing us that death and sin have been defeated....and guaranteeing us LIFE! Now that is something to celebrate!

Two more little thoughts from that same chapter.....
'Salvation of your souls' is the goal of our faith (v 9). Again...celebrate-worthy! Without faith we cannot please God and we cannot be saved. And salvation can only be ours because Jesus came....lived....died...rose again. So as we head into this year's festive season, let's get excited about more than gift giving and receiving, time with family and holidays. Let's ask God to help us connect our faith with this celebration of His goodness to us in a deeper way. And let the joy and peace of this season refresh our faith.

Finally, v 21 reminds us that faith and hope are inseparable. HOPE...I so love that word and what it means. It is a "confident expectation." Hope is a firm assurance that God is who He says He is and will do all He has promised to do. And His promises are for our blessing......eternal life, the presence of His Spirit, a faithful friend in Jesus, love, provision, protection, salvation and so many more precious gifts (to be enjoyed year round!) As we get ever-closer to December 25th, let's live with both a growing, deepening faith and an unshakeable, exciting hope that we have been given the greatest gift of all- time...Jesus!

So today, November 29th might not be the traditional Christmas Day. But as I play my carols CD and dust off the tree and decorations and continue to on-line shop for Christmas presents, I am determined to consider this special season and the first Christmas in a new way and let it refresh my faith, build my hope and fuel my thanks to God.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Friday Friends & Faves #8

Did you know? You are not alone in reading this blog?
I found that surprising! 

This past couple of weeks I have been HUGELY blessed to receive emails from girls all over the place who have told me how much they enjoy reading Keep It Real and how much encouragement they receive from it. That blows me away, even though it has been my prayer. I guess what it says is "Once again, God has answered my prayers." Thanks Father!

I also just wanted to let you know about the journey of some of your fellow readers...your 'Friday Friends' so to speak. Here's some of what's been happening...

  • a baby growing in Mummy's belly
  • lots of babies born....scales definitely tipped in the boys favour
  • resignations
  • new jobs
  • an engagement
  • divorce papers signed
  • injuries
  • recovery
  • travel
  • moving house
  • children graduating
  • attending new job interviews
  • birthdays
  • farewells
  • buying land
  • 'welcome home's
  • funerals
  • last days at work
  • assignments done
  • marks received
  • prayers prayed...some answered 'yes', others 'no' and I guess there's a couple 'wait awhiles' too

And in between the BIG stuff, everyone's been doing all the little stuff that makes this thing called LIFE happen.

Isn't it an encouragement to know that so many people are living and loving, just like us? Hope you feel a little more connected to them today.

PS: You are more than welcome...any of you (even ones who have already done it!) to make contributions to Friday's blogs. Anything you can write...from a few sentences to an essay....is welcome. Tell us a bit of your story. What's God been doing in your life? Teaching you? What have you learned lately? Just email them to me, via my personal email or through a Facebook message. Thanks.

This one won't be everyone's cup of tea...it's a bit too specialised for that. But a website I stumbled across in a Google search that has become invaluable to me is Chronicles of a BabyWise Mom.
Jam packed with solid advice on baby and child raising, it has been a help when I have had questions...BIG ones and little ones. It covers soooo much about child raising...as the topic list on the right side of the home page shows. Some of the topics I have read about include: E.A.S.Y., playtime, nappies, cluster feeding, schedules, sleep, baby food, wrapping, "The Happiest Baby on the Block", toys, etc.... And you don't have to be a subscriber to the Baby Wise philosophy to get some good ideas from the website. Anyway...for those of you in the baby/child years, perhaps you'd like to have a quick visit and see if it's of any use.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Psalm 139

Yesterday I suggested you 'soak' in God's word. Here's a passage I highly recommend you read....meditate on....soak in. Read it slowly...then: Let the words drip into your mind. Filter them through a heart of love. Let God's love for you pour into your life. May Psalm 139 wash you clean and freshen up your thinking, your attitudes and flow over into your words and actions.

No wonder people sing this Psalm...Oslo ChoirRebecca St JamesMercy Me. Any thoughts I could express on these verses would just seem so inadequate, so I'll not say much. But I have highlighted in each version of Psalm 139 below, the 3 verses that most speak to me. (Ok...as you'll see there's a few more than 3 highlighted...but it is SUCH GOOD STUFF!) Would you consider commenting on the blog with your favourites? Thanks. 

And may God's words today, bless you as much as they have blessed me.

Psalm 139  

(The Message)

A David Psalm
 1-6 God, investigate my life; get all the facts firsthand.
   I'm an open book to you;
      even from a distance, you know what I'm thinking.
   You know when I leave and when I get back;
      I'm never out of your sight. 
   You know everything I'm going to say
      before I start the first sentence.
   I look behind me and you're there,
      then up ahead and you're there, too—
      your reassuring presence, coming and going.
   This is too much, too wonderful—
      I can't take it all in! 

7-12 Is there anyplace I can go to avoid your Spirit?
      to be out of your sight?
   If I climb to the sky, you're there!
      If I go underground, you're there!
   If I flew on morning's wings
      to the far western horizon,
   You'd find me in a minute—
      you're already there waiting!
   Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark!
      At night I'm immersed in the light!" 

   It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you;
      night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you.

13-16 Oh yes, you shaped me first inside, then out;
      you formed me in my mother's womb.
   I thank you, High God—you're breathtaking! 
      Body and soul, I am marvelously made!
      I worship in adoration—what a creation!
   You know me inside and out,
      you know every bone in my body;
   You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit,
      how I was sculpted from nothing into something.
   Like an open book, you watched me grow from conception to birth;
      all the stages of my life were spread out before you,
   The days of my life all prepared
      before I'd even lived one day. 

17-22 Your thoughts—how rare, how beautiful!
      God, I'll never comprehend them!
   I couldn't even begin to count them—
      any more than I could count the sand of the sea.
   Oh, let me rise in the morning and live always with you! 
      And please, God, do away with wickedness for good!
   And you murderers—out of here!—
      all the men and women who belittle you, God,
      infatuated with cheap god-imitations.
   See how I hate those who hate you, God,
      see how I loathe all this godless arrogance;
   I hate it with pure, unadulterated hatred.
      Your enemies are my enemies!

23-24 Investigate my life, O God,
      find out everything about me;
   Cross-examine and test me,
      get a clear picture of what I'm about;
   See for yourself whether I've done anything wrong—
      then guide me on the road to eternal life.

Psalm 139  


For the director of music. Of David. A psalm.
 1 You have searched me, LORD,
   and you know me.
2 You know when I sit and when I rise;
   you perceive my thoughts from afar. 
3 You discern my going out and my lying down;
   you are familiar with all my ways. 
4 Before a word is on my tongue
   you, LORD, know it completely. 
5 You hem me in behind and before,
   and you lay your hand upon me. 
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, 
   too lofty for me to attain.

 7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
   Where can I flee from your presence? 
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
   if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
   if I settle on the far side of the sea, 
10 even there your hand will guide me,
   your right hand will hold me fast. 
11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me
   and the light become night around me,” 
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
   the night will shine like the day,
   for darkness is as light to you.

 13 For you created my inmost being;
   you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 
14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
   your works are wonderful,
   I know that full well. 
15 My frame was not hidden from you
   when I was made in the secret place,
   when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 
16 Your eyes saw my unformed body;
   all the days ordained for me were written in your book
   before one of them came to be. 
17 How precious to me are your thoughts,[a] God!
   How vast is the sum of them! 
18 Were I to count them,
   they would outnumber the grains of sand—
   when I awake, I am still with you.

 19 If only you, God, would slay the wicked!
   Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 
20 They speak of you with evil intent;
   your adversaries misuse your name. 
21 Do I not hate those who hate you, LORD,
   and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 
22 I have nothing but hatred for them;
   I count them my enemies. 
23 Search me, God, and know my heart;
   test me and know my anxious thoughts. 
24 See if there is any offensive way in me,
   and lead me in the way everlasting.

(Thanks to www.biblegateway.com for the cut and paste job above)

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The TO-DO List

I bet your TO-DO List is l-o-n-g!
If you're a woman...it definitely is. If you're a Mum....it most certainly is.
So long in fact, I bet it sometimes feels overwhelming to think about, let alone write down. And if you do put pen to paper, you probably feel like a roll of tp isn't even long enough for all you have to do. Particularly as we enter December and realise that Christmas is just a month away. How did that happen?

So let, me guess what's on your TO-DO List. Any of these sound familiar?
  • washing - linen, kids' clothes, grown-up's clothes, towels, tea-towels and rags (and of course hanging it all out, folding it and putting it away is extra on top of loading the machine)
  • cleaning - every room...surface....floor...etc....wiping, dusting, vacumming, etc...
  • cooking - including meal prep and cleaning up for 3 meals a day...7 days a week 
  • shopping....not the 'for pleasure' variety but just the essentials
  • your call list....mailing list...'thank-you for the birthday present' list...return the missed call...etc....
  • playing with baby/children...ooppps...that's the fun stuff that comes after the feeding, changing, bathing, soothing, rocking, etc....
  • read that book before you get another over-due notice from the library
  • organise those art/drama/cooking classes you decided to run over the holidays
  • Christmas present list....who are we buying for again?
  • pack for the weekend away
  • bake for the final Mums and Bubs morning
  • attend the work break-up party
  • do the end-of-year marking and report writing
  • send Nanna a letter and card for her birthday
  • drop a meal round to a friend with a new baby
  • decorate the Christmas tree
  • comment on your friend's blog
  • put a bag of clothes and toys together for the op shop
  • iron your husband's uniform
  • put those 87 photos you recently had printed into the right albums
  • bid on the ebay purchase you've been watching
  • pay that long list of bills
  • sign the loan contract at the bank
  • organise money for the special offering at church this week
  • attend awards night
  • do the bookwork for hubby's business
  • exercise....don't just talk about it
  • and no doubt the list continues on and on and on.........

    Girl...you are amazing! You have so much to do and you do it with a smile. You serve your family and friends willingly. You give cheerfully. You are industrious, conscientious and generous. Your kindness is noticed. Your joy is contagious. Your caring is appreciated. Your encouragement makes a difference...every time.

    But please, just remember....don't attempt to do anything on this list without first spending time in the presence of the One who empowers you to achieve all that's on it. Soak in His word....meditate on it...pray...sing praises...seek forgiveness....have faith....obey.

    Hmmmmmm....another l-o-n-g list but you know something? It's one that's even more essential you DO than the first one. 

    Tuesday, November 23, 2010

    Listen to the Lyrics #9

    Hold on to Jesus - Steven Curtis Chapman

    What matter's in life? 
    The things of eternal value are the most important....wouldn't you agree? 
    I've heard it said that when we get to our final minutes on earth and we look back at our time here, the three things that will matter most are: 'Who we loved....who loved us....and what we accomplished for God together." 
    With that as the guiding principle for our lives, it challenges us to get the right perspective on the things that are not eternal. 
    Does it really matter if the house is not perfectly clean...all the time? Is it essential that I get HDs in my studies if it means me being stressed and grumpy with my family? Do I need to get a new car? Is what colour/style/size/brand of clothes I have in my wardrobe a matter of grave importance? 
    Ultimately, those things (and so many more that I stress about and let consume me) are 'fleeting.' So why waste so much time...thinking...money on them? 
    Instead, I need to hold loosely to those things...that way I have my hands free to hold tightly to the hand of Jesus. 
    That's what really matters in life.

    Listen to the song here

    And here's the lyrics....
    I have come to this ocean

    And the waves of fear are starting to grow
    The doubts and questions are rising with the tide
    So I'm clinging to the one sure thing I know
    I will hold on to the hand of my Savior
    And I will hold on with all my might
    I will hold loosely to things that are fleeting
    And hold on to Jesus
    I will hold on to Jesus for life
    I've tried to hold many treasures
    They just keep slipping through my fingers like sand
    But there's one treasure that means more than breath itself
    So I'm clinging to it with everything I am
    Like a child holding on to a promise
    I will cling to His word and believe
    As I press on to take hold of that
    For which Christ Jesus took hold of me
    Hold on for life

    Monday, November 22, 2010

    I heard God speak

    Last week I heard from God. Not in an audible voice. But I had such a strong impression that it was Him speaking to my heart and the words were loud and clear and delivered a much needed reprimand.

    Over the past couple of weeks this has been my morning routine....
    Wake up when baby j does. Feed him...change him...put him in his cot to watch his mobile....make a coffee then sit in front of the computer to blog and Facebook for the duration of the mobile's songs. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Except what I was finding was that I was getting stressed as the day progressed. I would get frustrated when I had to stop working on the computer to deal with j. I was upset when he didn't sleep as long as I wanted him too. I didn't seem to have enough hours in the day to do all that I wanted too.

    So last week, on Wednesday morning, I head God clearly say..."K! How dare you think your blog readers and fb friends need to hear from you before you've heard from me." *GULP!* How true!

    Yes..somehow...far too easily really....I had gotten my priorities mixed up. And gotten them sooooo very wrong. Instead of spending time with God - being fed and setting the tone for the day, I was soaking in the unreality of my on-line life...attempting to give out when I hadn't been filled. Silly me!

    So what did I do? I listened. And I made the change. I went back to the routine I had been following just a few weeks ago. The one that worked. It looks like this....
    Wake up when baby j does. Feed him...change him...put him in his cot to watch his mobile....make a coffee then go back to my room to read the Bible and pray. It's only about a 15-20 minute activity but WHAT A DIFFERENCE it makes to my day to start with time with my heavenly Father.

    In His presence I am filled. I learn and grow. I am encouraged and challenged. I feel peaceful, hopeful and joyful. I get the right perspective on life. I set a positive tone for the day. I am fed and changed...for the better.

    And it's only when that happens, I am able to experience blessing. And then as the day progresses, be a blessing.

    So God help me this week to continue to make good choices....to put You first....to love time in your word and talking to you. To live like it. To get my priorities and perspective right. And to continue to hear your voice throughout the day.

    Saturday, November 20, 2010

    Surviving Singleness #7

    Risky Business

    No! I am NOT going to be talking about singing songs in your socks and jocks aka Tom Cruise. But I wanted to start by saying that putting yourself out there to start and grow a relationship requires a certain amount of risk and as a logical consequence, the potential for failure. That was my experience anyway.

    When I began to acknowledge a desire to be married, I set in motion a few steps to try to help that process. Some were successful and some resulted in absolute, abysmal, embarrassing failure….

    One of the first things I did was tell trusted family and friends that I was interested in meeting men….they had to be Christians and preferably, not absolute dorks. I asked my friends to keep an eye out for me and if they thought it appropriate, invite me and him over so we could get to know each other in a relaxed, surrounded-by-friends atmosphere. That way it would be casual, low-key and I would have the chance to see him interact with others. Also, since I trust my family and close friends and I know they love me, I knew they would make a good choice of who to invite over. So how'd that plan go? Well…a failure really. Some Brizzy friends followed through for me and invited me and 'the chosen guy' to a soccer match. Even strategically had us sit near each other. Hmmmm… should have known things would not go well when he arrived ½ an hour late and did not speak to me throughout the whole first half of the game. Later, my friend told me he'd heard 'the chosen guy' was interested in someone else. And then followed up with the heart warming - but not very helpful - statement, "We really don't know anyone good enough for you K."

    Next, I got the guts to call a guy and put a friendly invitation out there for us to get together for coffee next time he was in town. I coached myself before hand….be friendly, light, funny. I even had a script outline so I wouldn't stumble and fumble and sound psycho. I planned a good time to call and said a quick prayer before I did. Ok… I knew this would go well. Hmmmmm…maybe not…..
    Ring ring ring ring
    He picks :"Hello? Bob here." (name changed to protect his identity)
    Me…calmly (but with heart racing!!!): "Hi Bob! It's Kirsty L.... here… how are you?"
    Him: "Fine thanks…and yourself?"
    Me….feeling in control and like this was going well: "Really well… thanks for asking. So I hear you've been working in town lately. And I was just wondering if you'd like to catch up next time you're here.
    Maybe we could grab a cup of coffee or something? It'd be fun, coz as you know there's not too many people our age around and not too many things to do in this little town. But only if you want to of course."

    And then the response that devastated me then, made me cringe for months afterwards and makes me laugh today…
    Him: "Sorry? Who is this???"

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Another failure! And we never got together for that coffee…or anything else.

    Another risk was entering the world of internet dating. Potentially a dark and dangerous world, I thought if I signed up on a Christian dating website I would at least make it a less dark, but possibly
    still dangerous, experience. Hmmmmmmm….

    Three days into the 10 day trial, I deleted my profile from the website. At that time I just didn't feel right about putting myself out there and I certainly felt overwhelmed at the prospect of being contacted by weirdos and having to sort through a multitude of guy's profiles and hope I found the right one. Yep! Failed again.

    But you know, considering how badly each of these plans went, I would do it all again. Because in that process I learned a few things about myself and what I wanted. I also grew a bit more confidence…risk
    taking can do that for you. I admitted my desires. I enlisted the help of a team of trusted people, realising that even though it would ultimately be 'my' relationship, I needed the advice and support of community to get me there. I tried not to take the failures personally. I guess if I did, I would have given up after the soccer game flop and who knows….I might still be spinstering.

    Finally, a thought from a brilliant little piece of theatre written by Qld girl Joanna Butler. In "I Want to be in a Jane Austen Novel," teacher Ellie tells her best friend Jen some home truths: "We're waiting for Mr Darcy to rescue us from all our problems – ride off with us on his white horse to Pemberley…What if he doesn't come?"

    I guess I had that thought in mind as I set out to do things intentionally and differently regarding relationships. Sure my plans didn't have the desired results, but at least I was having a go… opening myself up to possibilities; realising the fairytale may not happen and I certainly couldn't just sit and do nothing and expect Mr Darcy or Mr Right to find me and sweep me off my feet. So risks were what I needed to take…and I did.

    Next time…I'll tell you about the success story. Yes….after all those embarrassing failures, there has been a happy ending. And I pray there will be for you too.

    Friday, November 19, 2010

    Friday Friends & Faves #7


    Uncle Jim and Co. are both my friends and faves this week.

    Years ago, Mum and Dad discovered US ministry Focus on the Family through Dr James Dobson's books and (in those days) film presentations. Based on solid Biblical foundations, the teachings of Focus aim to strengthen and encourage families. And in a world where the family gets pretty beat up (both my internal and external forces), that's a very valuable ministry.

    Well my sisters, brother and I were pretty much raised on the principles of Focus, so much so that I affectionately refer to Dr Dobson as 'Uncle Jim.' And it wasn't just Mum and Dad who have listened to, read and been trained by Uncle Jim.

    Through my teen years I read "Preparing for Adolescence' and "Life on the Edge"....both brilliant books for understanding myself and the stages of life I was in, especially that 'decade of decision' that encompasses our teens and early 20s. When I was teaching, I read "Dare to Discipline" and "LOTE" - again! When I was looking to prepare for dating and marriage, I read "Love Must Be Tough" and "Love for a Lifetime" and now, it's books like "Parenting Isn't for Cowards" and "Bringing Up Boys." And that's not to mention the plethora of other books and resources Uncle Jim has poured his life into writing and creating.

    Now, in the age of technology, I tend to refer to the website more than the books. And it is FULL of great articles and links to anything and everything related to dating, engagement, marriage, parenting, etc...Not all by Dr D of course...there's just too much there to be the work of one man and besides, last year Uncle Jim actually retired from the ministry he established many moons ago. But on the FotF website you'll find so much practical, easy to read material to help you, no matter the situation you are facing or question you have. I find their Daily Broadcast podcasts invaluable and you can also listen to them online. http://www.pluggedin.com/ is a terrific resource for keeping up with what's going on in popular culture and has tonnes of reviews of film, TV, music and the like to help you make wise media consumption issues. http://www.boundless.org/ has been a tremendous site in helping me navigate the years of singleness and then relationship building with J. And Young Married Life has been a good read in the past couple of years as I have begun to explore this precious and challenging thing called marriage.

    But wait! There's more! Sooooo much more. On the website you'll find tonnes of encouragement and great advice to help you do life well....whether you are married, single, parenting, grandparenting...whatever stage you're at. And beyond the website, Focus is doing amazing work with orphans and foster care....placing ultrasounds in pregnancy centres (they have saved an estimated 72 000 children since starting this particular ministry!)....The Truth Project small groups....marriage, parenting and teen apologetics simulcasts....resource stores....magazines....etc....etc......etc......

    So please, take the time to check out at least one of the links above. And hopefully, you too will find the help you might be needing to do life that little bit better today. If Focus on the Family and Uncle Jim can help your family thrive....they'll consider it a job well done. And so do I.

    Wednesday, November 17, 2010

    Listen to the Lyrics #8

    Third Day - Love Song

    Apparently this particular Third Day song is a classic. Funny, I only discovered it recently. But what a discovery. Have a listen: Love Song

    Here's the lyrics....

    I've heard it said that a man would climb a mountain
    Just to be with the one he loves
    How many times has he broken that promise
    It has never been done.
    I've never climbed the highest mountain
    But I walked the hill of calvary

    Just to be with you, I'd do anything
    There's no price I would not pay
    Just to be with you, I'd give anything
    I would give my life away.

    I've heard it said that a man would swim the ocean
    Just to be with the one he loves
    How may times has he broken that promise
    It can never be done
    I've never swam the deepest ocean
    But I walked upon the raging sea

    I know that you don't understand
    the fullness of My love
    How I died upon the cross for your sins
    And I know that you don't realize
    how much that I gave you
    But I promise, I would do it all again.

    Just to be with you, I've done everything
    There's no price I did not pay
    Just to be with you, I gave everything
    Yes, I gave my life away.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    Just Breathe

    Yesterday I posted about the gifts we have been given by God, highlighting creation...commands....peace...the Holy Spirit.

    Today I wanted to flash back to my uni days (oh...so long ago) to revisit a key teaching I had on the Holy Spirit. A key teaching that revolutionises lives.

    Having grown up in a fairly conservative church tradition, I don't recall many sermons on the Holy Spirit. In fact, I mostly referred to Him as an 'it.'

    But when I went to uni I got involved with Christian group Student Life and there, I was taught about the HS and how He was the key to living the Christian life - empowered and successfully.

    Simply put, living with the Spirit is like spiritual breathing. Here's how it works.....

    When we physically breathe, we exhale carbon dioxide. It's potentially dangerous stuff. When we spiritually breathe, we confess our sin. Sin IS dangerous stuff. We tell God where we've gone wrong and we ask for His forgiveness.

    When we physically breathe, we inhale oxygen. O2 is life! When we breathe spiritually, we ask the Holy Spirit to fill us. He is LIFE! We ask Him to empower us to live as God wants us too. We ask Him to guide our thinking and influence our attitudes. We ask Him to direct our behaviour and reveal to us God's will in all things.

    Easy hey? He becomes our power source and our personal counsellor...the One who enables us to live the best life we can.

    So today...BREATHE!! Breathe deeply and breathe often!

    Monday, November 15, 2010

    A Most Generous God

    I've been reminded of late that God is EXTREMELY generous. Not only that, but He owns it ALL, so the resources He has to give from are limitless. (How I'd love to be able to say the same as we head into the Christmas season.)

    It's funny then, considering His generosity and immense treasure trove, that we are hesitant to ask Him for things. Especially since we are told so many times in the Bible to do just that....'Ask and you will receive...' (John 16:24)

    But what I really want to highlight today is that we so often waste our time and our requests asking for things we have already been given. Here's what the Bible says we already have:

    From Genesis 1....we have been GIVEN creation. So how about we get out and enjoy it? Look at it with eyes that see it as a gift, so that we appreciate the dew drop on the flower in our front garden; the rolling waves and pretty shells at the beach; the warmth of the sun as we hang out the clothes; the intricate design in the bugs and butterfly wings; the beauty of relationships with those God has put in our lives.

    From Deuteronomy 7 and John 13....we have been GIVEN commands and rules and laws. Not so that we feel restricted and restrained but so that we are protected and safe. Like the guard rail on the road near that tight bend that drops away to a cliff and the foaming ocean crashing against the rocks 100 feet below, God's laws and commands are there for our safe-keeping; to keep us from danger and making choices that would harm us and others around us.

    From John 14.....we have been GIVEN peace. As something we all crave and repeatedly ask for, sometimes peace seems so elusive. In the midst of busy lives, where things have a habit of not working out the way we planned (like the baby who should be sleeping and isn't....or the DVD that was to be returned by 6pm and wasn't.....or the happy family reunion that ended in arguments and disagreements....or the special dinner we planned and cooked that failed to look anything like Jamie's....or the car that wouldn't start this morning....or the cancer diagnosis of a good friend....or ????) we beg God to give us His peace. And yet, Jeus Himself...the MOST trustworthy of all people who ever made promises...says: Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. (John 14:27)

    And also from John 14....we have been GIVEN the Holy Spirit. And He is the key to unlocking the peace, the obedience and the appreciation that we need for the other 3 gifts. The Holy Spirit ...who Jesus describes as our Counselor, the Spirit of truth and one who lives with us and in us. He teaches us, reminds of what Jesus has said and promised, gives us power, boldness, strength, encouragement, joy and love (see multiple New Testament verses). Won't you take time to talk to Him today? And then shhhhh! LISTEN, obey and be blessed.

    Saturday, November 13, 2010

    Perfect? Not me!

    I had a great chat with a friend recently....about her failings!

    So refreshing to hear that I am not the only one who gets it wrong....often.

    Like this week when I came home hot, bothered, frustrated, tired and sore from delivering the local paper. Sure the hills were steep...the pram was heavy...the mozzies were biting....the sweat pouring and the letter boxes MILES from the road! But did I really have to be so short tempered with my wonderful husband when I got home? And worse...a husband who was mowing and whipper snipping our lawn? Yuck Kirsty!

    Or what about that night feed that hurt...a lot. Instead of praying about it, what did I open my mouth to do? Ummmm...sad to say....I swore. Yuck Kirsty!

    Then there was the other incident in the car where I was bad mouthing the driver ahead of us. Someone I don't even know was copping a heap of judgement and criticism from me for what terrible deed?? Driving at 68km in an 80km zone of course. Yuck Kirsty!

    So as I listened to this friend, I was pleased to hear she messes up too. But what I was even more delighted to hear was how she went about fixing the messes.

    Without going into too much detail...because I want to preserve her annonimity....she mended the fences with her husband through a letter and a conversation with an apology. She was also 'woman' enough to apologise to the group of people she had whinged and complained around. And she asked God to forgive her too and help her do it better next time.

    THAT'S the good stuff in life....and the tough stuff! It is realising when we have done the wrong thing and having the maturity and character to apologise. And the wisdom to realise God does not expect perfection from us...He knows we aren't capable of it....but oh how He delights in His kids seeking forgiveness and stepping out again in His power.

    Friday, November 12, 2010

    Friday Friends & Faves #6

    One word...okay two.
    Joyce Meyer!


    This week, thanks to downloaded podcasts a friend gave me to encourage me, I am considering Joycie to be both my 'friend' and my 'favourite'.
    I love her 'tell it like it is' style. Her call to all of us to get rid of the crud and get on with the life God has for us....including the opportunities to serve others and to walk through challenges that test us. Her ability to share stories from her own life that resonate with the listener and make us want to 'do life better'....for God's sake (after all, we're representing Him!), our sake and the sake of all those around us - family, friends, workmates, strangers we meet each day.
    So the link to her website and podcasts are below and I'll let you know that the 'Emotional Stability' (# 11 and 12) messages and those on 'Walking with God' (an interview with John Eldridge) (#19) and 'Unleashing the Power of Faith' (#21 and 22) have been instrumental in helping me deal with life this week.
    But credit where credit's due....God, through Joyce....has been instrumental in helping me deal with life this week.
    Visit: http://www.joycemeyer.org/ and when you do, you'll find links to free downloads of radio and TV broadcasts under the "Our Ministries' tab.

    Tuesday, November 9, 2010

    Listen to the Lyrics #7

    I Will Lift My Eyes - Bebo Norman

    Another 'must have' on your IPOD.
    Heard this for the first time in church way back at the beginning of the year and fell in love with it. Love the sound....but love the lyrics. Have a listen....and a read.
    Click here:) to listen

    God, my God, I cry out 
    Your beloved needs You now 
    God, be near, calm my fear 
    And take my doubt 

    Your kindness is what pulls me up 
    Your love is all that draws me in 

    I will lift my eyes to the Maker 
    Of the mountains I can’t climb 
    I will lift my eyes to the Calmer 
    Of the oceans raging wild 
    I will lift my eyes to the Healer 
    Of the hurt I hold inside 
    I will lift my eyes, lift my eyes to You 

    God, my God, let Mercy sing 
    Her melody over me 
    God, right here all I bring 
    Is all of me 

    ‘Cause You are and You were and You will be forever 
    The Lover I need to save me 
    ‘Cause You fashioned the earth and You hold it together, God 
    So hold me now

    These lyrics echo some of the prayers I have been praying of late. And the ones I have been praying when it's late! 
    But how reassuring in the midst of pain or uncertainty, in times of trial or suffering, when I am lonely, tired or teary....I can call out to my God and He hears me. He calls me 'His Beloved' and He is near. He offers comfort and peace. He provides the strength I need to keep on keeping on. He settles me and gives me hope. 
    I just need to look to Him...talk to Him and open myself up for His Spirit to work in me. Love it!
    And LOVE His kindness, faithfulness, gentleness, patience and grace.
    What do YOU love most about Him? Add a comment and tell me.
    Meanwhile.....lift your eyes to the Maker and draw your strength, hope, peace and joy from the One who made you and loves you with a depth of love that just can't be measured.