Monday, November 22, 2010

I heard God speak

Last week I heard from God. Not in an audible voice. But I had such a strong impression that it was Him speaking to my heart and the words were loud and clear and delivered a much needed reprimand.

Over the past couple of weeks this has been my morning routine....
Wake up when baby j does. Feed him...change him...put him in his cot to watch his mobile....make a coffee then sit in front of the computer to blog and Facebook for the duration of the mobile's songs. Doesn't sound too bad, does it? Except what I was finding was that I was getting stressed as the day progressed. I would get frustrated when I had to stop working on the computer to deal with j. I was upset when he didn't sleep as long as I wanted him too. I didn't seem to have enough hours in the day to do all that I wanted too.

So last week, on Wednesday morning, I head God clearly say..."K! How dare you think your blog readers and fb friends need to hear from you before you've heard from me." *GULP!* How true!

Yes..somehow...far too easily really....I had gotten my priorities mixed up. And gotten them sooooo very wrong. Instead of spending time with God - being fed and setting the tone for the day, I was soaking in the unreality of my on-line life...attempting to give out when I hadn't been filled. Silly me!

So what did I do? I listened. And I made the change. I went back to the routine I had been following just a few weeks ago. The one that worked. It looks like this....
Wake up when baby j does. Feed him...change him...put him in his cot to watch his mobile....make a coffee then go back to my room to read the Bible and pray. It's only about a 15-20 minute activity but WHAT A DIFFERENCE it makes to my day to start with time with my heavenly Father.

In His presence I am filled. I learn and grow. I am encouraged and challenged. I feel peaceful, hopeful and joyful. I get the right perspective on life. I set a positive tone for the day. I am fed and changed...for the better.

And it's only when that happens, I am able to experience blessing. And then as the day progresses, be a blessing.

So God help me this week to continue to make good put You love time in your word and talking to you. To live like it. To get my priorities and perspective right. And to continue to hear your voice throughout the day.

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