Saturday, November 13, 2010

Perfect? Not me!

I had a great chat with a friend recently....about her failings!

So refreshing to hear that I am not the only one who gets it wrong....often.

Like this week when I came home hot, bothered, frustrated, tired and sore from delivering the local paper. Sure the hills were steep...the pram was heavy...the mozzies were biting....the sweat pouring and the letter boxes MILES from the road! But did I really have to be so short tempered with my wonderful husband when I got home? And worse...a husband who was mowing and whipper snipping our lawn? Yuck Kirsty!

Or what about that night feed that hurt...a lot. Instead of praying about it, what did I open my mouth to do? Ummmm...sad to say....I swore. Yuck Kirsty!

Then there was the other incident in the car where I was bad mouthing the driver ahead of us. Someone I don't even know was copping a heap of judgement and criticism from me for what terrible deed?? Driving at 68km in an 80km zone of course. Yuck Kirsty!

So as I listened to this friend, I was pleased to hear she messes up too. But what I was even more delighted to hear was how she went about fixing the messes.

Without going into too much detail...because I want to preserve her annonimity....she mended the fences with her husband through a letter and a conversation with an apology. She was also 'woman' enough to apologise to the group of people she had whinged and complained around. And she asked God to forgive her too and help her do it better next time.

THAT'S the good stuff in life....and the tough stuff! It is realising when we have done the wrong thing and having the maturity and character to apologise. And the wisdom to realise God does not expect perfection from us...He knows we aren't capable of it....but oh how He delights in His kids seeking forgiveness and stepping out again in His power.

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