Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Listen to the Lyrics #9

Hold on to Jesus - Steven Curtis Chapman

What matter's in life? 
The things of eternal value are the most important....wouldn't you agree? 
I've heard it said that when we get to our final minutes on earth and we look back at our time here, the three things that will matter most are: 'Who we loved....who loved us....and what we accomplished for God together." 
With that as the guiding principle for our lives, it challenges us to get the right perspective on the things that are not eternal. 
Does it really matter if the house is not perfectly clean...all the time? Is it essential that I get HDs in my studies if it means me being stressed and grumpy with my family? Do I need to get a new car? Is what colour/style/size/brand of clothes I have in my wardrobe a matter of grave importance? 
Ultimately, those things (and so many more that I stress about and let consume me) are 'fleeting.' So why waste so much time...thinking...money on them? 
Instead, I need to hold loosely to those things...that way I have my hands free to hold tightly to the hand of Jesus. 
That's what really matters in life.

Listen to the song here

And here's the lyrics....
I have come to this ocean

And the waves of fear are starting to grow
The doubts and questions are rising with the tide
So I'm clinging to the one sure thing I know
I will hold on to the hand of my Savior
And I will hold on with all my might
I will hold loosely to things that are fleeting
And hold on to Jesus
I will hold on to Jesus for life
I've tried to hold many treasures
They just keep slipping through my fingers like sand
But there's one treasure that means more than breath itself
So I'm clinging to it with everything I am
Like a child holding on to a promise
I will cling to His word and believe
As I press on to take hold of that
For which Christ Jesus took hold of me
Hold on for life

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