Uncle Jim and Co. are both my friends and faves this week.
Years ago, Mum and Dad discovered US ministry Focus on the Family through Dr James Dobson's books and (in those days) film presentations. Based on solid Biblical foundations, the teachings of Focus aim to strengthen and encourage families. And in a world where the family gets pretty beat up (both my internal and external forces), that's a very valuable ministry.
Well my sisters, brother and I were pretty much raised on the principles of Focus, so much so that I affectionately refer to Dr Dobson as 'Uncle Jim.' And it wasn't just Mum and Dad who have listened to, read and been trained by Uncle Jim.
Through my teen years I read "Preparing for Adolescence' and "Life on the Edge"....both brilliant books for understanding myself and the stages of life I was in, especially that 'decade of decision' that encompasses our teens and early 20s. When I was teaching, I read "Dare to Discipline" and "LOTE" - again! When I was looking to prepare for dating and marriage, I read "Love Must Be Tough" and "Love for a Lifetime" and now, it's books like "Parenting Isn't for Cowards" and "Bringing Up Boys." And that's not to mention the plethora of other books and resources Uncle Jim has poured his life into writing and creating.
Now, in the age of technology, I tend to refer to the website more than the books. And it is FULL of great articles and links to anything and everything related to dating, engagement, marriage, parenting, etc...Not all by Dr D of course...there's just too much there to be the work of one man and besides, last year Uncle Jim actually retired from the ministry he established many moons ago. But on the FotF website you'll find so much practical, easy to read material to help you, no matter the situation you are facing or question you have. I find their Daily Broadcast podcasts invaluable and you can also listen to them online. http://www.pluggedin.com/ is a terrific resource for keeping up with what's going on in popular culture and has tonnes of reviews of film, TV, music and the like to help you make wise media consumption issues. http://www.boundless.org/ has been a tremendous site in helping me navigate the years of singleness and then relationship building with J. And Young Married Life has been a good read in the past couple of years as I have begun to explore this precious and challenging thing called marriage.
But wait! There's more! Sooooo much more. On the website you'll find tonnes of encouragement and great advice to help you do life well....whether you are married, single, parenting, grandparenting...whatever stage you're at. And beyond the website, Focus is doing amazing work with orphans and foster care....placing ultrasounds in pregnancy centres (they have saved an estimated 72 000 children since starting this particular ministry!)....The Truth Project small groups....marriage, parenting and teen apologetics simulcasts....resource stores....magazines....etc....etc......etc......
So please, take the time to check out at least one of the links above. And hopefully, you too will find the help you might be needing to do life that little bit better today. If Focus on the Family and Uncle Jim can help your family thrive....they'll consider it a job well done. And so do I.
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