Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Logically Speaking...

This morning I read from II Chronicles 11-15 and even though no-one reading this is likely to be royalty, like Kings Rehoboam or Asa - there's much to learn from the lives of both of these men.

R was the son of Solomon...the wisest man the world has ever seen. And after his Dad died, he started his reign well. Leading by example, the entire Israelite nation 'set their hearts on seeking the LORD' (v16).

I love that there is logic in following our God, even though He so often does the unpredictable and you end up in places and spaces you never expected to be in....like Uganda, Africa or married to a Happyrocker....or a first time Mum at 36 (when you had thought you'd have 3 kids by the time the millenium rolled around...the one that cllicked over in 2000, not the one coming in another 2990 years!)

Here in II Chronicles there is a clear correlation between this 'seeking the LORD' and what happens next. Well, actually, in Chapter 12, the logic disappears for a time. After the blessings experienced by David and Solomon who walked in the ways of God, and after a great start under Rehoboam, the people 'abandoned the law of the LORD...becoming unfaithful to Him.' Hmmmmmm where's the logic in that? And notice, it's not God being illogical, but the people.

Anyway, God's not willing to let this pass and promises, logically, to abandon the people as they have abandoned Him. But here's where the people get smart again and it's a smartness we'd do well to imitate. Vs 6-7 tells us the leaders and the people 'humbled themselves' before God. So too, our response to Him should always be one of humility and obedience...it's what please Him most.

Logically, God saves His people, but there are still consequences to their previous choices. In this situation, they have to live under the rule of the king of Egypt, but even in that, God has a plan. He wants to teach His people about serving. How like God, to take our mistakes and still use them to refine and change us into the people He wants us to be.

Tomorrow....Asa's story. He's just that bit smarter than his old Dad (Abijah) and his Grandad (Rehoboam). That's great news for all the Israelites and for us with kids.....hopefully they'll make more logical choices than us too:)

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