Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Covered in Yuck

A couple of the little people in my life had lots of fun playing with shaving foam recently. It got everywhere....despite the fact that I only put it on 3 trays. But man! The fun they had!!!

But it got me thinking about how I get myself covered in 'yuck' ...and it's not a fun yuck.

When I deliberately avoid eye contact with someone so I don't have to talk to them....when someone tells me a story and I have to top their's with my own rather than just listening and letting them have the limelight...when I lose my temper over something very trivial....when I judge someone before I have even heard their story...when I am fearful....when I speak before thinking.....when I make a snide remark - and that's just this week's YUCK!

How easily we weigh ourselves down with YUCK....with sin.

But how thankful I am that I can go to God and seek forgiveness and ask for His help to do better. And how gracious He is to answer that prayer with love and patience and His divine power.

As the week heads to a close and a new month starts, I pray there will be less YUCK covering me.

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