Saturday, July 2, 2011

Love Changes Everything

I spent an hour or so this morning getting pretty worked up in a lighting and then a tile shop.

By worked up I mean.....stressed, tense, frustrated. And that's not good when you are trying to make rational decisions about lighting and flooring for a new house.

The tension and frustration were coming from knowing I had a tiny window of opportunity to shop in....j was sleeping at home but not for long...and from the fact that in both stores there were soooooooooooooooooooooo many options....what to choose? And how ridiculous are those prices? And why would anyone want those colours...ever? And why is that salesman being so pushy? And.....

Anyway, a short time later I was home again and j was fed and I suggested we try again. Not because I had dealt with any of those 'issues' I had mentioned, but because on the way home J had said, 'Thank you. It's great to be taking on this big project with you my beautiful wife.'

Appreciation......a compliment.......a look to the future.....a reminder that I don't do life alone and an expression of love.

5 precious gifts all wrapped up in 2 short sentences. That's all it took for me to change my perspective, get a grip and move forward.

How powerful our words and actions can be. Will you remember to use them wisely and well today?

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