Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!

In our little family of 3, we have 3 birthdays in September. It's certainly a month full of happies!

J made comment on his birthday eve this week that as you get older, birthdays just don't really seem to matter. That may be how most of us aged 30+ feel, but I wonder if it should be?

I wrote in his card yesterday a one-line wonder that I am so proud of. And it's the reason I am writing today's post....

"You are so worth celebrating!"

And therein lies the reason why birthdays should be delighted in, celebrated, worth getting excited about and the birthday boy/girl honoured.

Because each of us is so worth celebrating!

We were designed and created by the Master Craftsman. God breathed life into us and set a plan and purpose for us to walk this life in. He says we are made in his image and He loves us with an everlasting love. We all have immense value. That's worth celebrating!

We are all different shapes and sizes but we are creative and compassionate....likable and loving....beautiful and brainy......daring and decent....generous and gregarious....forgiving and fabulous...tender-hearted and thoughtful....That's worth celebrating!

Simply by being us and loving those around us, we are making a difference in our worlds and the lives of others. We are a blessing. That's worth celebrating!

So if you know someone having a birthday sometime soon (and just coz I am in a few days this is NOT why I am writing this now!)...how about reminding them that they are worth celebrating and do something a little bit sweet to let them know that they are special?

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