Thursday, September 23, 2010

First Post....WELCOME

Not sure who might read this blog...if anyone (Hi Megan and Taryn!).....but feel like an online journal might be the way to go for me in this stage of life.

'Stage of life' not menopause! But being a stay-at-home Mum...with a little more computer access time on my hands, I thought I might try to be somewhat productive and in the meantime, see if using up some of those thousands of words I have to say every day could possibly encourage someone in their day.

So my rough plan is to say something...hopefully meaningful....that might challenge, inspire, encourage and bless YOU - the reader. And as for the title...Keep It Real....I will blog what I lies or platitudes here. Bare thoughts, ideas.....reality for me. I promise.  And I am praying that God might use this 'realness' to speak to you.

To start...I read Proverbs 26 this morning. I have been reading through the Bible this year...a challenge my sister and I set for ourselves back in December last year. It was been an eye opening experience as I (good Christian girl from way back) discover stories and verses that I have never heard before!  God has been speaking....not so much out of Leviticus as through other books though:) and I have been trying to listen. I might write some posts retrospectively (Yay for BIG words!) to fill you in on some of the exciting things God was showing me in August....May.....February.

Anyway...Proverbs 26 partly confirmed the blog idea which had been an inspirational thought during the 1.36am feeding time of dear little Jacob this morning! Have a read (click that link in the par above) and see how many times the writer uses the word 'fool' and's never as a compliment.

Foolish is not what I want to be. I can't afford to be...because: a) God doesn't desire that for me...b) my husband and son don't want that from me....c) friends and family will not benefit if I am foolish. And so often, I can my 'stinkin' thinkin'' careless time majoring on the minor things in life. God is clearly reminding each one of us that the thoughts we have, the words that come out of our mouths and the actions of our hands reveal us to be either wise or foolish. 

I especially like vs 26:18-19.....what a picture! "Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death..." And what a challenge it is to read that I am considered a 'madman' who brings danger, injury, destruction, death when I run around saying things that aren't they flat out lies or part truths. God help me to be honest...always...but also considerate in the way I share that honesty.

A simple thought...most in Proverbs are. But what a lesson for live real for wise....avoid folly......think truth.....speak truth.

1 comment:

  1. Kirsty, you should do a ministers course. What a fantastic blog and very interesting. I have been trying to read Proverbs while here in Italy (although not nearly as much as I should) Hopefully I will be finished it by the time we return home. It is hard not going to church for extra fellowship and worship, but at least we have the bible with us.


Hey readers...please comment...let's see if we can get the occasional conversation happening:)