Sunday, September 26, 2010

The (G)Old Testament

As I mentioned in a previous post, my sister and I have been reading through the Bible in a year. It has been a great experience on the whole, despite the slog of some of the books - Leviticus, the lists in Numbers and Chronicles and a few of the prophet-penned books. Common theme is.....? They are Old Testament books.

But just yesterday I read the first couple of chapters of Acts and Peter, in a very short space of time, quoted from the OT at least 3 times. He knew and loved those scriptures and could use them to great effect. I was challenged to think about the OT in a new way. Rather than seeing it as mumbo-jumbo, a slog, confusing or irrelevant (I mean when have I ever had to choose a dove for sacrifice or put a friend outside the camp because of leprosy?)...what has it said to me as I have read through so much of it this year?

I have learned that God is God...He is a planner, a creator, a lover and sustainer, a protector, a provider, a faithful God despite the unfaithfulness of His chosen ones. That's a God I want to spend my life with.

I have learned that human nature runs contrary to God's...even though we have the ability to live like Him because we have been created in His image. Just like so many of the OT people, I am rebellious, impatient, prideful, scared, selfish, jealous, difficult, disobedient...yet just as there was hope for them, there is for me. Thanks to this faithful God.

I have learned that the great rescue plan was always in place and motion. Jesus was there at the beginning and so much of the OT points not only to our desperate need for Him but also to His glorious coming and astounding sacrifice for us. Nothing happened by accident or without God knowing. Nothing happens by accident or without God knowing.

I have learned that God can do wonderful things through those who live lives of faithfulness and obedience, even if doubt or obstacles also exist. Think about Moses, Gideon, Esther, Ruth, Jacob, Hosea, Jonah, Daniel, David, Jonathan, many amazing lives and wonderful lessons to learn from their successes and their failures.

Lots of other 'learnings' along the way too, but there's just a few and ones that I don't want to forget any time soon.

Meanwhile, I appreciate how real the Word of God is. It speaks truth from the one who cannot lie Hebrews 6:18. It tells me the hard facts of life...there's no sugar-coating wars and famines and murder and death and waiting and suffering and ..... yet it provides the true message of hope for all who go through those tough times. It speaks of love and justice, of righteousness and punishment, of blessings and curses. And it reminds us that we all have the choice to follow truth or to run from it.

I have learned there is great value in all of the is, after all, our God speaking to us. What a concept....what a REALITY!


  1. A great perspective. So good to remember to keep our attitude right when reading the OT, remembering that it is "God speaking to us".

  2. I LOVE Leviticus!! I had read it several times and just endured it and then a couple of years ago the Holy Spirit opened that book and taught me SO much about His holiness. IT IS AMAZING! Leviticus is the basis for Jesus death. If it wasn't for the rules in Leviticus, Jesus would not have had to be the sacrificial lamb.
    I agree that there is SO much to learn in the Old Testament. I have been studying the wandering of the Isrealites in the wilderness for the past 9 months. WOW! God has taught me so much about patience and waiting on His direction....How timely is that!! Of course, just like the Isrealites, I have not perfected those characteristics. Thanks so much for sharing about the OT, there is so much MEAT to be devoured. btw, if God speaks to you through the minor prophets-do share? I still shy away from those books.

  3. Well said Letitia.....I do agree with all you have said and I am pleased to say I'll be posting about lessons I have learned from the minor prophets too. Not that I profess to be an expert, but there have been verses and ideas that have spoken to me. As for Leviticus, I give it a hard time coz it's an easy target. However....absolutely! It reveals the deficiencies in the Law and in humanity thus pointing us towards our desperate need for Jesus. Thank God for His son....and for the grand plan He planned from the beginning.

  4. Great reading! I recently read Leviticus also, and stand in awe at the holiness of God ... the same God Who said: Be holy for I am holy. I too am on the way through the Bible this year, and yesterday I was into Isaiah. Wow! So much about God's perspective on social issues e.g. the poor, injustices, etc.


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