Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eye Witness

Yesterday I was an eye witness to a very special event. My baby boy rolled over for the first time. And for a first-time Mum, that is exciting.

It got me thinking about other things that happen in life, many of which go unseen. The grandparent who faithfully prays for his/her family. The husband who works hard in tough conditions each day to provide for his loved ones. The mother doing countless loads of washing after being up most of the night with the sick child. The son who wheels the bins out without being asked. The friend who cooks dinner to pass on to the family who has received bad news. The visitor who quietly helps the new Mum hang the load of washing. The boss who takes the time to write a word of thanks and slip it in a colleague's pigeon hole. The aunt who bundles up a few clothes and toys and passes them on to her niece.

So many little things that make this world go round. So many unwitnessed acts of kindness and goodness.

No! Wait! Not one of these things is unseen. God sees it all.....every single thing that every single person does on every single day. 

May you be encouraged by that thought today. That all those little (and larger) things you do this morning, this afternoon and tonight that keep your home going and bless your family and friends....God sees. And even though you may not receive any earthy thanks for what you do today, the One who really matters, smiles.

And may you be challenged by that thought today. That all those little (and larger) things you think, say and do today that hurt and harm and discourage others...God sees. And He does not smile.

I want my 'Audience of One' to be pleased He made me today. I want Him to be witness to generosity and kindness and to compassion and love. I want Him to be excited that His child is living right and well today.

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