This is a really difficult post to write. In light of all that's happened disaster-wise lately and with friends and family facing very difficult circumstances, I don't want anyone to think I am being insensitive to their current pain or challenges.
But I do think we need to know what God's word believe it and to live it.
With that in mind, consider the woman of excellence in Proverbs 31. In verse 25 we read about a woman who is intentional and confident....She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.
This woman dresses herself each day in strength and dignity. As routine as putting on our clothes for the day, should be our clothing ourselves with these two attitudes and qualities. The beauty of the Christian life, we clothe ourselves in the strength and dignity of God...with His enabling, we can be strong and dignified....even when it seems to be humanly impossible to be so. In the midst of trouble, stress, pain, trials, suffering, disaster, difficulties, we CAN be women who rest in God...and that's where we will find all we need to be strong and dignified.
It's true that in His presence, we find those things....many of you could testify to that because you have walked through exceedingly tough days, months, years. It's also true that because we can live in His presence, we can laugh at the days to come. Because we love Him and live with Him, we can have all we need for today AND for the future. The Amplified Bible says her laughter and lightness comes from knowing she is ready for the future.
Now none of us necessarily expects and prepares for a future touched by major floods or an earthquake or cyclone. And few of us look to future events like family fall outs and separations or days of depression and confusion and laugh. But no matter what we see - or get blind-sided by - God is with us. That's one encouragement. The other, is to make sure that in the good/easy times, prepare. Get into His word, live each day acknowledging Him, ask for His character to be developing in that you are ready for whatever comes next. His presence is the only thing that can lighten the load and even when it still feels like an enormous burden, it's His presence that gives us the strength to carry it.
I'm struggling I re-read what I have written it sounds like just words on a page. Mere platitudes to those who really are struggling today...both with the present and the future. I feel so inept at encouraging or helping.
All I can really say is Hold on! Hold on to the promises in God's word. Walk each day, in fact each moment that you are aware, with your eyes on the One who has created you and crafted your future. Ask for His help to look beyond the circumstances and see Him. Draw on His amazing character qualities....I know He has what you need.
I know you may not laugh out loud at the least perhaps not today....but I hope you'll know joy and peace as you walk clothed in strength and dignity into a future that is filled with His presence and His love.
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