Monday, February 14, 2011

What a Woman #Four

It's Valentine's Day....which may or may not bring a smile to your face. And a gift to your hands.

For J and I, V Day is a little bit special, simply because of what we did on our first V Day together. We had only been going out for about a month and so everything was still new, fun, exciting, romantic. Anyway, I arrived in town unexpectedly and surprised him with a gourmet picnic which we ate on a hillside overlooking a beautifully lit harbour and marina. A special memory...priceless actually. Oh yeah...that's right....V Day was also 'first kiss' day:)

Since then, we have had many other priceless moments....precious memories made to be remembered for many years to come.

But as I read Proverbs 31 I am reminded of something else that is 

So many times I struggle with self-confidence and worth. I question myself...beat myself up...think very little of myself....and I'm not sure why. Just yesterday J was telling little j that "Mum is so good looking" and I was almost in tears because I certainly don't think I come close to that description.

But in reading Proverbs 31:10 - An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels.... I am once again reminded that I have value.....immense value.

As God's daughter I do. And as a wife striving to bring her husband good I do. I am precious....priceless. Maybe today, I can just enjoy the gift of that thought.

And whether you're married, engaged, dating or single, how about you do too?

1 comment:

  1. your first valentines day date sounds lovely :-) how nice is that perfect first kiss?!!


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