Thursday, September 30, 2010

I want to be like....

King Asa is one of the unsung heroes of the Old Testament...of the entire Bible really. Funny how most of us have probably never heard of him. Although I guess you would have if you've ever read II Chronicles 15-16.
In a nutshell, his story is short but oh so sweet. Well, those 2 chapters are looks like things get a bit ugly in Ch. 17 but I will be reading that next week in my Bible reading plan.
The first description we find of Asa in Ch. 14 is one I want people to say of me...'he did what was good and right in the eyes of the Lord his God'.....change the pronouns though.
Look at the verbs that follow. Seek, obey, removed, built, rely. Doing what is good and right in God's eyes looks the same today. Are we seeking Him....wholeheartedly? Moment by moment? With our thoughts...words...actions?Are we obeying all His commands...not just the ones that suit us? Are we removing the idols, obstacles, hinderances, habits that take our focus away from God? Are we building ourselves in knowledge and understanding of what God wants for us and how we are to live? And are we relying on Him as our sustainer, provider, protector?
The rewards for Asa and for us are great. Asa not only had military victorys...that's one we might not revel in....but also, he prospered.....was at peace.....and was given rest. Ahhhh delightful words......even better experiences.
Then God promises Asa 2 things at the beginning of Ch. 15....that He will be found by Asa if A seeks Him and if A forsakes God, God will forsake A. Seems logical to me...a fair trade even. And perhaps an easy choice to make. A choice we all get to make...both on a macro level....where does God fit in my life? And a micro level....each day we make the decision to seek and acknowledge God or to ignore His presence and directions.
Asa makes the wisest choice he could.....with the people, he makes a covenant with God....a binding seek God. Not half heartedly...or when the going is good....or when they remember too....but with all their heart and soul (v12).
And doing that is not a brings them such joy and they did it eagerly (v15). How much joy do you have in living for you do it eagerly?...or is a slog? A chore? A requirement so I get the ultimate reward of an eternity in heaven?
I hope, that like Asa and the people he ruled, we too can live for our God with a great passion and willingness. That we would be faithful and ruthless in our obedience and devotion to Him and that we would know the great benefits of living that way.
Finally, like Asa, I want people to say of me....(her) heart was fully committed to the LORD, all her life (Ch. 15 v17). 

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Surviving Singleness #2

This one is called:

The List

I am a ‘list’ girl. I like writing lists and even better, I like checking things off the lists I write. I even have a ‘Kirsty’s Little Book of Lists’ (inspired by list queen Belinda B) that has lists of all sorts of things….movies I want to see, baby names I like, goals for the year, ‘to do’ lists for the holidays, present ideas for this year’s birthdays, shopping and bucket lists..…the list of my lists is endless.

A few years back, during the midst of my single days, I read Rebecca St James’ book “Wait for Me.” Following her idea, I wrote a list of the qualities I was looking for in a husband. I guess I wanted to clarify what I thought were the most important characteristics in a mate. It was fun to write and made me think hard too. Here’s some of the ideas from my list…..I would like to meet and love a man who: is honest, has a sense of humour, loves me, is strong – both physically and emotionally, values family, walks closely with God, is friendly, is a good listener, is fit and the list went on….

Then it hit me…hard! It was all well and good to write this list and be on the lookout for a man who fulfilled the list, but the most important thing was actually how many of those qualities was I displaying? Was I loving God…walking in trust and obedience? Was I loving my family….keeping in touch with my parents? Speaking kindly to my siblings? Was I approachable, friendly, others'-focussed? Was I looking to be healthy and whole physically? Was I a woman of integrity, one who lived what I said I believed? Was I treating my friends with respect and encouraging them?

 In the waiting period of the single years, can I encourage you to make sure your focus is not entirely on Mr Right and all you hope he will be and do. God has a plan for who He desires You to be as His beloved daughter. His desire is for you to be a woman who expresses love, joy and peace. He wants you to exhibit patience, kindness and goodness.  He created you to have words and actions that exude gentleness, faithfulness and self-control.

You know, in so many ways dating, romance, marriage and love are NOT about me. And yet, in considering my (future) spouse, there’s an awful lot that IS about me. Who am I? What am I like? And is that a blessing to those around me now and will it be a blessing to my husband? If not, pray for God to help you become the person He wants you to be, for the one He wants to give you.                                                     

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Logically Speaking...

This morning I read from II Chronicles 11-15 and even though no-one reading this is likely to be royalty, like Kings Rehoboam or Asa - there's much to learn from the lives of both of these men.

R was the son of Solomon...the wisest man the world has ever seen. And after his Dad died, he started his reign well. Leading by example, the entire Israelite nation 'set their hearts on seeking the LORD' (v16).

I love that there is logic in following our God, even though He so often does the unpredictable and you end up in places and spaces you never expected to be Uganda, Africa or married to a Happyrocker....or a first time Mum at 36 (when you had thought you'd have 3 kids by the time the millenium rolled around...the one that cllicked over in 2000, not the one coming in another 2990 years!)

Here in II Chronicles there is a clear correlation between this 'seeking the LORD' and what happens next. Well, actually, in Chapter 12, the logic disappears for a time. After the blessings experienced by David and Solomon who walked in the ways of God, and after a great start under Rehoboam, the people 'abandoned the law of the LORD...becoming unfaithful to Him.' Hmmmmmm where's the logic in that? And notice, it's not God being illogical, but the people.

Anyway, God's not willing to let this pass and promises, logically, to abandon the people as they have abandoned Him. But here's where the people get smart again and it's a smartness we'd do well to imitate. Vs 6-7 tells us the leaders and the people 'humbled themselves' before God. So too, our response to Him should always be one of humility and's what please Him most.

Logically, God saves His people, but there are still consequences to their previous choices. In this situation, they have to live under the rule of the king of Egypt, but even in that, God has a plan. He wants to teach His people about serving. How like God, to take our mistakes and still use them to refine and change us into the people He wants us to be.

Tomorrow....Asa's story. He's just that bit smarter than his old Dad (Abijah) and his Grandad (Rehoboam). That's great news for all the Israelites and for us with kids.....hopefully they'll make more logical choices than us too:)

Monday, September 27, 2010

Listen to the Lyrics #1

Steven Curtis Chapman: ‘CINDERELLA’

In May 2008 a tragedy of epic proportions hit the family of Christian singer/song-writer Steven Curtis Chapman. Steve and his wife Mary Beth lost their 5 year old daughter, Maria Sue. She was killed in their driveway after being hit by a car driven by her big brother. This terrible accident drove the lyrics of Steve’s hit ‘Cinderella’ to a new level. In the song he sings…
So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh, I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

As Steve and his family were celebrating the engagement of his eldest daughter Emily, they were saying ‘good-bye’ to their youngest daughter. Both Cinderella’s were leaving the care of their parents to enter a new future and destiny. But in the midst of change and grief, Steve realized the truth of parenthood. We have only a small amount of time with our children  - valuable time that we need to enjoy, make the most of and cherish. Make sure you take time to today to input love into the lives of your children.
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And they'll be gone 

Find this song on itunes or

Sunday, September 26, 2010

The (G)Old Testament

As I mentioned in a previous post, my sister and I have been reading through the Bible in a year. It has been a great experience on the whole, despite the slog of some of the books - Leviticus, the lists in Numbers and Chronicles and a few of the prophet-penned books. Common theme is.....? They are Old Testament books.

But just yesterday I read the first couple of chapters of Acts and Peter, in a very short space of time, quoted from the OT at least 3 times. He knew and loved those scriptures and could use them to great effect. I was challenged to think about the OT in a new way. Rather than seeing it as mumbo-jumbo, a slog, confusing or irrelevant (I mean when have I ever had to choose a dove for sacrifice or put a friend outside the camp because of leprosy?)...what has it said to me as I have read through so much of it this year?

I have learned that God is God...He is a planner, a creator, a lover and sustainer, a protector, a provider, a faithful God despite the unfaithfulness of His chosen ones. That's a God I want to spend my life with.

I have learned that human nature runs contrary to God's...even though we have the ability to live like Him because we have been created in His image. Just like so many of the OT people, I am rebellious, impatient, prideful, scared, selfish, jealous, difficult, disobedient...yet just as there was hope for them, there is for me. Thanks to this faithful God.

I have learned that the great rescue plan was always in place and motion. Jesus was there at the beginning and so much of the OT points not only to our desperate need for Him but also to His glorious coming and astounding sacrifice for us. Nothing happened by accident or without God knowing. Nothing happens by accident or without God knowing.

I have learned that God can do wonderful things through those who live lives of faithfulness and obedience, even if doubt or obstacles also exist. Think about Moses, Gideon, Esther, Ruth, Jacob, Hosea, Jonah, Daniel, David, Jonathan, many amazing lives and wonderful lessons to learn from their successes and their failures.

Lots of other 'learnings' along the way too, but there's just a few and ones that I don't want to forget any time soon.

Meanwhile, I appreciate how real the Word of God is. It speaks truth from the one who cannot lie Hebrews 6:18. It tells me the hard facts of life...there's no sugar-coating wars and famines and murder and death and waiting and suffering and ..... yet it provides the true message of hope for all who go through those tough times. It speaks of love and justice, of righteousness and punishment, of blessings and curses. And it reminds us that we all have the choice to follow truth or to run from it.

I have learned there is great value in all of the is, after all, our God speaking to us. What a concept....what a REALITY!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Sport's Nut

Last night on Facebook I posted my heart's desire for the weekend....I don't want for much. Just victories in the football finals for the Titans...Saint Kilda....and St George Dragons. perhaps my focus in September is somewhat clouded by the bedazzling array of sporting broadcasts....V8s last weekend, a so-close Wallabies win the weekend before, Comm. Games coming (we hope)....and of course footy finals galore.

Anyway, Game #1 of 3 is done and my team....lost - big time! Drat. That was definitely not the result I hoped for and along with every other Qld rugby league fan, I am disappointed that there will be no north-of-the-border team in next week's Grand Final. And truth be told, there's a good chance my other 2 tips for the weekend will also bow out losers.

So what does all this have to do with God? Well I am just I have been repeatedly throughout the year as I have watched Casey Stoner crash out of races....Mark Webber total his car.....Jamie Whincup's Vs develop an oil leak just a few laps from a podium place....the Lions and Broncos fail to make the Top 8 for a final's berth....and the Australian men's swimming team's failure to fire at the Pan Pacs...that I cannot put my hope in man. Why would I rely on humans, be they sports people, politicians, singers, pastors, actors or others to be my source of joy, of purpose and value, of contentment. As humans, they disappoint, because they lose and they fail, they make mistakes and get it wrong....just like me. 

But more than that, they cannot offer what my God does. Check out Psalm 103 to see a list of His wonderful 'benefits.' No man, no matter how famous, wealthy, popular, talented can come close to blessing and fulfilling me the way the God of the Universe can.

Who else can and does and has"....redeemed my life from the pit?...crowns me with love and compassion?......forgives and heals?....satisfies? righteousness and justice?...not treat us as our sins deserve?.....amazing love and compassion for us?"

Wow! That list in Psalm 103 is better than any team's line-up for the big game and any driver's result in the Championship. It makes me want to do as verses 21-22 tell me to do (4 times!)...PRAISE HIM! Now that is a real heart's desire.

PS 2 challenges with this post...
1. Please pray for my friends Mr n Mrs B and their baby. Having a rough time right now and needing help, healing, peace.
2. Anyone else want to join me in memorizing Ps 103?? It's a challenge I have set for myself...any takers?

Friday, September 24, 2010

Surviving Singleness #1

Okay...that's a blog title that you weren't expecting a happily married wife and new Mum to have on her blog isn't it? Well....I don't want to be elitist in this whole blogging adventure. I want all my friends to know they matter....whether they are single....married....childless....quiver's full.....whatever! So I'll occasionally post an article from this little series I wrote for the girls at my Aunty's church down south. While the content speaks mostly to single women....if you're a single guy you are welcome to have a read - it may provide valuable insights into the mixed-up, crazy world of a woman's mind! And if you are about a walk down memory lane and perhaps the challenge to look to mentor someone who is walking in singleness right now. If we have 'been there, done that' we have something to be brave....get real with someone....make a difference...all over a chat and a cup of Swiss Coffee (my current beverage of choice:)

Singleness….it’s one of the biggest challenges a young Christian woman will ever face. How do I know? Because I have been there, done that….all through my twenties and well into my 30s. And it was tough…lots of times. Consumed with thoughts of feeling unlovable and somehow deficient and wondering if God was just messing with me or did He actually have a plan for my life that would contain love and a husband. There were days when I just wanted to curl up and become a bitter old spinster and then there were days lived in hope. I kept busy with work and hanging out with good friends. I tried to stay close to God and trust Him as best I could. I kept in close contact with my family. I travelled. I read Christian books and watched too many chick flicks. And I kept an eye out for ‘Mr Possible’, hoping that he might turn out to be ‘Mr Right’. Here’s a couple of practical things that helped me deal with singleness:

1.       Be obedient to God in all areas but especially when it comes to relationships…don’t compromise things like purity and dating or marrying a non-Christian.
2.       Be open and honest with God and yourself about your desires for a husband. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get married and have a family, but don’t let that become all-consuming. There’s plenty of other things to do and see and learn in life. And God is faithful….even if we sometimes feel He just works to darn slowly.
3.       Get onto the Boundless website. ( This is a webzine and podcast from Focus on the Family aimed at 20 – 30+ year olds, especially singles. The articles are fantastic and cover everything from singleness to dating to finances to spiritual growth and more. Many of Candice Watters’ articles helped me a great deal, offering hope, encouragement and solid Biblical advice.
4.       Candice has also written a book, available at Christian bookstores and on-line, called: Get Married: What Women Can Do to Help It Happen. Worth a read.
5.       Enlist a ‘team’ to help you. My team included most of my family and 1 or 2 close friends. These guys offered advice and encouragement, introduced me to decent Christian men and helped keep me level-headed throughout the dating process. This was especially important as I braved the world of Christian internet dating. My advice: don’t go into that arena solo.

My prayer is that you’ll continue to live in hope. God loves you so much and you can trust Him with your life….ALL of it. And somewhere, sometime I am confident that He will bring into your life (or to your notice) a man meant for you. How do I know? He did it for me. (Now that’s another story!) But if it can happen for ‘Miss Married-to-my-job–I’m-too-shy-If-I-commit-myself-fully-to-God-He’ll-keep-me-single-forever-and-send-me-to-Africa-as-a-missionary’, it can happen for anyone seeking God’s will, with a heart’s longing to love and be loved and living in faithful obedience to Him.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

A retrospective....

From a recent jkvani blogpost.....

On more than on occasion in the past 10 days Jon has uttered these words: 
"We have a baby in the house." 
Each time he says it...there's a sense of awe and responsibility in his voice. And I totally agree. We have been given this priceless gift of a baby boy and wow! He is ours to look after and raise in God's that IS an awesome responsibility. 

I was encouraged by reading II Chronicles yesterday. Solomon cried out to God for wisdom and God loved that prayer and blessed him abundantly. So as I tackle the 3am feeds, that's my prayer too...that God would bestow upon us as Jacob's parents, great wisdom to raise our son a way that honours the One who gave him to us in the first place. If you are a parent reading this, may you be encouraged to petition God for the wisdom of Solomon (even a small % of what he had would help) in doing the most important job on the planet....loving your husband/wife and raising your children.

First Post....WELCOME

Not sure who might read this blog...if anyone (Hi Megan and Taryn!).....but feel like an online journal might be the way to go for me in this stage of life.

'Stage of life' not menopause! But being a stay-at-home Mum...with a little more computer access time on my hands, I thought I might try to be somewhat productive and in the meantime, see if using up some of those thousands of words I have to say every day could possibly encourage someone in their day.

So my rough plan is to say something...hopefully meaningful....that might challenge, inspire, encourage and bless YOU - the reader. And as for the title...Keep It Real....I will blog what I lies or platitudes here. Bare thoughts, ideas.....reality for me. I promise.  And I am praying that God might use this 'realness' to speak to you.

To start...I read Proverbs 26 this morning. I have been reading through the Bible this year...a challenge my sister and I set for ourselves back in December last year. It was been an eye opening experience as I (good Christian girl from way back) discover stories and verses that I have never heard before!  God has been speaking....not so much out of Leviticus as through other books though:) and I have been trying to listen. I might write some posts retrospectively (Yay for BIG words!) to fill you in on some of the exciting things God was showing me in August....May.....February.

Anyway...Proverbs 26 partly confirmed the blog idea which had been an inspirational thought during the 1.36am feeding time of dear little Jacob this morning! Have a read (click that link in the par above) and see how many times the writer uses the word 'fool' and's never as a compliment.

Foolish is not what I want to be. I can't afford to be...because: a) God doesn't desire that for me...b) my husband and son don't want that from me....c) friends and family will not benefit if I am foolish. And so often, I can my 'stinkin' thinkin'' careless time majoring on the minor things in life. God is clearly reminding each one of us that the thoughts we have, the words that come out of our mouths and the actions of our hands reveal us to be either wise or foolish. 

I especially like vs 26:18-19.....what a picture! "Like a madman who throws firebrands, arrows, and death..." And what a challenge it is to read that I am considered a 'madman' who brings danger, injury, destruction, death when I run around saying things that aren't they flat out lies or part truths. God help me to be honest...always...but also considerate in the way I share that honesty.

A simple thought...most in Proverbs are. But what a lesson for live real for wise....avoid folly......think truth.....speak truth.