Saturday, December 18, 2010

My story

What can I say about being a Christian?
I can only tell my story...just like Paul did. Check his out in Acts 26.
Unlike Paul, my story doesn't involve a miraculous encounter with Jesus or an incredible transformation from what I was to what I am becoming. But that doesn't mean it is any less real.
Here's my story in 100 words or less....
I grew up in a Christian home with all the joys and trials that brought! We were a blessed times together, comfortable standard of living, both Mum and Dad on the scene, always a playmate considering there were 4 kids in my family. We were brought up in the church and I asked Jesus to be boss of my life when I was 8. Since then, I have known great peace and direction in my life, thanks to the belief and reality that God is with me....all day, every day. I can talk to Him about anything and everything and through His word and Spirit He offers me the best advice when I am searching for it and gives me all that I need to live each day.....breath! salvation! goodness! contentment! love! security! purpose! forgiveness! daily bread! wisdom! I wouldn't consider doing life without Him...the alternative is to be without His presence and guidance, His insight and provision. That's not the life I want to I continue each day to make the choice to believe and to trust walk by faith not by sight and as a result, to know hope and love, peace and joy.
What's your story?

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