Friday, October 15, 2010

Friday Friends and Faves #2

Friday again...ALREADY?
If all has gone to plan I am on my way south to visit with family and celebrate my Dad's 60th birthday...Hip Hip Hooray!

Meanwhile, the amazing Joanna is in Uganda....doing incredible things for 2010. Be warned, you read her story at your own risk. If you're anything like me, after reading it you'll want to pack up and head on over to join in the awesome work of Watoto in Africa.

From Joanna:
For those of you who don't know me, I'm an environmental scientist by qualification, but have taken 2010 out to volunteer with Watoto Child Care Ministries in Kampala, Uganda. You can check out Watoto at I am involved with the Watoto 360 program, which is a 5 month intensive discipleship program for both Ugandan and International students that's run twice a year. My role has been to live with the international students and provide whatever support and guidance they need, to help run the class, which has recently included teaching a couple of lessons. I have also been running their internship program, where students who graduate from the class can do a 6 month placement in a department of Watoto Child Care Ministries.

I needed this year. I needed to be shaken up and to put myself in a place where God could teach me the things I needed to learn. I knew that and I fought it, but then I finally gave up and came here, and this year has been amazing in ways I never could have imagined. And the awesome thing about this year is that He has put me in a place where my skills, giftings and experience can be used, but it is also the place I needed to be for Him to teach me the things that I needed to learn. To take things from head to heart knowledge - to learn them through experience, rather than just knowing them. 

Through just being a volunteer who is not in charge of or responsible for anything (which is very different to my role as an environmental consultant), I have truly learnt that it is who I am, not what I do that is important. I don't have to be busy, or in a position of authority or decision-making for my presence and contribution to have value. And for much of this year, it has simply been my presence that has been of value. And I am finally ok with that. 

For the Ugandans that I have met and spent time with in the 360 class and the internship program, the very fact that I would come from Australia to spend a year here in their country, helping the program to run, means the world to them. Someone cares, someone values them. Many times I feel bad for the tough situations many of them are living in and I want to help them all in some material way. But they don't expect that from me, they just love that I am here and that I take the time to help facilitate a program that has helped them grow and change. I have given up things to be here this year, but I have gained things that are of so much more value.

Thanks your thoughts. I was especially encouraged to read about the value of playing a support role. So many of us think we need to be up-front or in leadership to make a difference, when the reality is 'we matter more than we think.' We wish you well as you finish the year in Uganda and we trust God continues to speak, provide, protect, challenge and change you. Thanks for sharing your story and reminding us of the work of Watoto and also our be used by Him, where-ever and when ever.

Next week....Elizabeth's take on the 'Good Girl Syndrome.'

Now, A FAVE: (who is also another friend!)
Check out the work of wonderful Susie H! She is a radio presenter in Melbourne, a wife and Mum and funny as:) Susie writes all manner of interesting bits and pieces...from how she has coped with infertility and then pregnancy to the challenge of a year of doing 'Something New' each week. Listen to podcasts of her husband Luke being real too...all on one convenient website. Well worth a look...a read and a listen. God has done great things with these guys so that their reality truly is 'Nothing Less Than Extraordinary.' Go guys!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I love connections! Susie is my cousin!
    Once upon a time in a small regional centre I used to listen to this very funny morning radio show. One morning the presenter rang his girlfriend and proposed to her on air. I recognised her voice! It was Luke proposing to Susie! Very cool morning :)


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