Friday, October 22, 2010

Friday Friends and Faves #3

Hope you have had a great week! Mine has been. Little j's doing well, Big J is fine and I have had quite a bit of sleep. So I can't complain.

My wonderful friend E has made a contribution to the blog today. She certainly presents some food for thought and in keeping with the theme of this blog, she is very real. So, read on...

It is ironic really that I am sitting here struggling to get a moment to
write down my thoughts....  Who would have thought that my ten year journey
of unexplained infertility would eventuate in three children (the last of
which was a 'suprise') who now run me ragged with little time to contemplate
the spiritual 'breaking' which led me to this place.

I think that as Christian women we are united through our struggles
(singleness, infertility, marriage failure - to name a few) and our inability
at times to see the 'goodness' of the God we worship.  
Sure, we know in our hearts and minds that salvation alone should be enough,
but deep down the struggle of our life which continues to be raw and bleeding
leads us to question the fairness of God.  So let's be honest!  

I call the pathology "Good Girl Syndrome".  That is, the 'I have done
everything right and why am I not seeing Your blessing' syndrome....  
I swore for many of my broken years that I would never question God's
goodness or faithfulness.  However, despite this staunch stance and my
ongoing work in the church, the Holy Spirit and I both knew that I was dead
inside. In short, I had lost my belief in the fairytale ending and the
goodness of God in my life.  I was indeed afflicted with 'Good Girl Syndrome'.

My healing was an emotional one, well before the Lord answered my prayer for
children.  Slowly and surely the Holy Spirit softened and healed my soul, to
the point where my 'need' was lost in my love for my Creator.  I used to
compare myself with Paul and Silas, who, while in prison chains were still
able to praise God.  While the chains were around me, they no longer held me,
though I was in that prison for ten years.

However, the bible deals with those of us suffering from 'Good Girl Syndrome'
with many examples.  These are found in the persona of the older brother to
the prodigal son.  You may remember that once the younger brother returned
home from sqaundering his Father's wealth, a celebration was held and the
older brother questioned his Father's fairness - stating that no such party
had ever been thrown for him despite his faithfulness.
Another example is found in the parable pertaining to the workers in the
vineyard, where those who were recruited at the end of the day were paid the
same amount as those who had worked from early morning.  Again, they
questioned the fairness of this decision.  And finally, good old Mary and
Martha!  Poor old Martha - I so feel for her!

However, these illustrations all highlight the sin at the root of 'Good Girl
Syndrome' - hardness of heart.  The quiet attitude which is unspoken yet
filters through our beings.  The insipid comparison of those who have been
'blessed' with what we are begging for.  The haughtiness which knocks at the
doors of our souls and eliminates the voice of God whispering 'Peace. Be
Still' to the wind and the waves of our hearts.

Jesus wants us to be children who look to His face - to be ones who love Him
regardless of what we have.  Instead, the 'Good Girl Syndrome' has us looking
to His hands for the healing or the fulfillment of our desires. In short, if
we can repent and seek a relationship with the Lover of our souls, then the
healing comes.  Just as the bible says   "... Seek first the kingdom of God
and then all these things shall be added unto you..."

WOW E! I honestly couldn't have said it better myself. And from one who suffers from this 'pathology', thanks for challenging me to get at the heart of the heart. Thanks for reminding me that repentance and love and obedience are intertwined in my healing. Thanks for directing my focus back to the One. I pray we all live today with Him as our focus and our strength, our hope and our peace, our healer and our lover.

Proverbs 31 Ministries is headed by one of my fave authors (Lysa TerKeurst) and contains all sorts of 'stuff' to help achieve their mission...Bringing God's Peace, Perspective and Purpose to Today's Busy Woman. That 'busy woman' might just be you! The 'Everyday Life' section takes you to thoughtful articles on all things to do with...every day life (balance, marriage, spiritual life, health and well-being, etc..) and you can subscribe to their 'Daily Devotion'...just gotta find the time to read it busy woman!

A final thought....if you feel like you have something to say to encourage others, even a few sentences worth, please email it through to me so I can post it in future Friday blogs. Thanks heaps.

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