Saturday, October 2, 2010

Priscilla....Queen of the Dessert and the Blog

Priscilla and Aquila....super stars of Acts 18

I love Priscilla....she is the wife, the woman I would like to be.

Firstly, she worked with her husband....not just any woman could do that. (But then again, not just any husband could handle having their wife with them 24/7!) She obviously understood God's plan for be a helper to their husbands. I would like to be that for mine.

Secondly, she showed great hospitality. In v3 and v26 we read about Priscilla and Aquila taking Paul and then Apollos into their home. I am sure she was a gracious hostess....perhaps even making those guests her best desserts:)) I have just had a BIG week of practising hospitality myself and I know the demands it can put on you, especially if you like order and tidiness and that gets messed with. But fortunately, I had read about Priscilla before my guests arrived and I was able to leave some of the angst I would normally have felt out of the equation. I must also give credit where credit is due and thank my Mum and husband who did so much running around as co-hosts. In saying that, let me also say it was an absolute delight to have all those guests in my home. The benefits of practicing hospitality, including: conversation, company, laughter and love.....far outweigh any disadvantages of the same.

Finally, I think if she lived in present day, Priscilla would have been a blogger. She had something to say, having been taught by Paul, the great evangelist and teacher and she was willing to pass it on...that's why she and her husband took an interest in Apollos. And that's partly why I have decided to blog...because if God is teaching us something, maybe we are to pass it on....and not just keep it to ourselves. How like take what He has given and then through the chipped and broken vessels of His followers, multiply it so that others can be blessed and encouraged and taught. That way, everyone benefits!

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